"Recycle" is the last bit of the three R's, which involves processing used materials into new products to reduce waste and conserve resources. But how can we recycle? We can start by properly sorting our waste, ensuring plastics, paper, and metals go into recycling bins instead of landfills. Additionally, we can support initiatives that turn recycled materials into new products. However, we can get help to do this from the organizations listed below can help us on our journey toward an eco-friendly world.
They are in charge of recycling residual trash responsibly turning inorganic waste into a sand-like material used for construction with eco-friendly incinerators. Their machines undergo regular check-ups and have passed Bali’s Uji Emisi which measures how much pollutants are released from the machine to ensure that it is safe for use.
a Bali-based initiative dedicated to transforming plastic bottle caps and used sandals into practical, durable products. Their mission emphasizes rethinking consumption habits, viewing plastic as a valuable resource, and promoting sustainability through education and community engagement. They also organize educational workshops and school field trips to raise eco-awareness among the younger generation.
A non-profit organization based in Bali, dedicated to developing systems for managing and processing any plastic waste except plastic bottles into energy, aiming for an Indonesia free from plastic waste issues. They focus on recycling plastic waste through pyrolysis technology, converting it into fuel.
A waste management company in Bali, founded in 2006, promoting responsible waste disposal and a zero-waste future. They offer any inorganic waste collection, recycling, composting, event waste management, and educational programs. Their services help reduce landfill waste and encourage sustainable living.